Compliance Management
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Since its establishment in 2009, CanSino Biologics Inc. has been dedicated to exploring the best solutions to the prevention of infectious and contagious diseases through cutting-edge research & development, advanced manufacturing and commercialization of innovative vaccine products for human use worldwide. CanSinoBIO is not only a practitioner of the pharmaceutical industry, a driver of R&D innovation, and an enabler in international cooperation, but also a bearer of social responsibility.

In recent years, CanSinoBIO has earned valuable trust from clients, business partners and the public all over the world with excellent products, high sense of social responsibility and good business reputation, which stems from our integrity, trustworthiness and compliance in the research and development, production and business events. In the process of establishing excellent goodwill, CanSinoBIO always abides by the belief of complying with the rules and laws.

It is integrity, ethics and compliance that are important for CanSinoBIO to keep the public's trust, respect and recognition, and achieve sustainable business development and success, both now and in the future. Therefore, it is very important for CanSinoBIO to hold fast to integrity, ethics and compliance, which requires every employee of CanSinoBIO to abide by the highest standards of ethics, fulfill the promise of compliance and ethics together, act and behave in good faith, strictly follow the industry norms, respect contracts, keep credit, refuse to bribe, compete fairly, and comprehensively improve the ability to manage enterprises according to law.

Message from Chairman
Xuefeng Yu
Compliance Commitment
We will uphold the highest standards of commercial ethics.
We will abide by applicable laws.
We will adhere to industry codes of conduct.
We will make it our mission to be responsible for society, environment, public and industry.
We will value applicable laws and ethical rules more than the economic interests of the company; value the interests of society and the public more than the interests of the company and individuals.
We will not tolerate any violation of applicable laws and ethical rules, and any failure to live up to the social trust.
Compliance management system

To fulfill commitment to compliance, CanSino pursues the comprehensive compliance management of the company and will never tolerate any form of violation of laws and regulations. Therefore, we are committed to establishing a comprehensive compliance management system to achieve this vision. This system covers the following elements:

The organizational structure of compliance management - managed by the board of directors. led by the Risk and internal Control Management Committee, implemented by the Legal and Compliance Department, and directly responsible by the person(s), in-charge of various departments/centers.
Business Compliance Guidelines

Ethical R&D behavior

Product production

Product promotion

Anti-m oneylaundering

Anti-money laundering


Prohibition of corruption

bribery and fraud

Interaction with persons

and agencies outside of

the company

IP and confidentialinformation

Intellectual property andconfidential information

Compliance Guidelines for Listing Supervision
Dealing in securities

Guidelines on dealing

in securities by

shareholders, directors


management and related


Information disclosure

Guidelines for conneced


Anti- unfaircompetition

Anti-money laundering

Fair treatment and protection of employees
Protection of fundamentalrights of employees personal informatiOn

Protection ofemployeeprivacy and personal


Rights ofempl oyees

Protection of fundamentalrights of employees

Occup ationahealth

Occupational health and


Reporting Hotline

If you find or suspect any violations of laws and regulations in daily work, you can report them through the whistleblowing hotline and provide detailed information and evidence to the extent practicable so that we can solve the problem quickly and thoroughly.

Report hotline:
58213600 - 6218
Report Mailbox:
Construction of compliance culture

The company advocates a good compliance culture, promotes the business philosophy of complying with the rules and laws, integrity and trustworthiness, cultivates the compliance awareness of employees, and regards the construction and promotion of compliance culture as an important part of compliance management and corporate culture.  


Compliance is the code of conduct for all employees of CanSino. As an important part of the company's operation and risk management, compliance should penetrate into and run through all links of operation management and business processes, deeply integrate with the company's management, and cover all departments/centers, positions and employees.  


CanSino is also committed to influencing business partners to operate in compliance with the law through our compliance practices.